Chapter Ten
Sc mine, t kisses, t to c c good. But I migo try to be. t. e can make it ours—
In your dream? s last, moving from me. I dont t me. I ste almost smoked. You t.
I sit dazed for a moment, as if struck by o tcte, put back tumbling I keep at ter to my uncle. I anyoo plump, too pink—plumper and pinker toucarting ailes, grinding lavender soap against my tongue, then wiping and wiping her hands upon her apron.
Everyt all. S back my fles fleso my drac, cover up , but s look—I tly at me, again. I meant to save o my uncle, to to Mrs Stiles, to some nees, t up; of tes and days t stretcill to be lived. I t Ric money, London, liberty. it Sue.
And so you see it is love—not scorn, not malice; only love—t makes me he end.