Chapter Eleven
nd presses, .
Speak, , clear, mechanically:
Oress! darker fleck. umbling is breaking!
to ring about ter Rico life and turned us. e do not speak. Beside Ric I see ill struggling, lifting o point or reacrees. I take off my to tcrembling hands.
ell— he says.
Dont speak to me, I say, almost spitting to me, I shall kill you.
tempts to smile. But rangely and ly one lengtakes a cigarette from , and a matcries to dra come. aggers, beats upon to stop t o ts o t imes. I ch him.
akes again, you are now.
And h a sneer.
turns s ting cusends, co sleep.
My oay open. I gaze t travelled—a , like a t.
e make part of our journey like t t give up take a train. I rain before. e at a country station. e at an inn, since Ricill afraid t my uncle men to c us in a private room and bring me tea and bread-and-butter. I look at tray. tea groands at ttles t, ts out: God damn you, do you take food for you, for free? s tter , after t lemans labour, receiving leman in cuffs. damn porter? o sickets, I wonder?
At last a boy appears to fetcake our bags. e stand on tation platform and study they shine, as if polished.
In time to purr, and tly, like nerves in failing teeto rain comes ling about track, a plume of smoke at its s many doors unfolding. I keep my veil about my face. Rico to it, per my quite private, till London? takes han ever.
t I must pay a man to t cely, tle virgin of a me tell you noe