The Sojourner-1
tILIGains and arcreets, ty of blossoms and age-soft stone. Sometimes in tel. Sometimes, also, in a fallo ing da he yearless region of dreams.
Joel. somet ing it inal necessities, lingered even after airs. It umn day and t sliced betel skyscrapers. Ferris into t-door drugstore and sat at t to t overlooked t h scrambled eggs and sausage.
Ferris o aken place toemples and for an incipient belly bulge. Ferris raordinarily close -- but tion; ted for a long time, ayed as long as possible to be near o leave t morning.
Ferris pulled out o verify a number. urned ttentiveness. Names and addresses from Neals of Europe, a fe ones from ate in ted names, spraty ills: a random love, married no, un.O. in television, getting ric ter tarium no s range to t soo, silly girl, could die. As Ferris closed transience, almost of fear.
It aring out of te close to understand t, nor t lingered after she was gone.
Quickly Ferris paid to tood on ting to cross Fifto ts creet before aken ably. c once Elizabet;beautiful carriage.quot; Surned at t corner and Ferris folloention to overtake ioned turbance t t of Elizabet-strokes.
It first, after t destroyed er time, ainly . So umn day. Ferris running, o tel.
Ferris poured yet eleven oclock. in an armced, nursing er. morning for Paris. ions: take luggage to Air France, lunc. And somet telepory.
o call ime for self-debate. Cmastime, and Ferris a carving set o call. But as ed, listenin