s against t first, ly opposed ted t I t of murderers. My legs, once again, acting quicker and more rationally t me in pursuit of Black Effendi.
e’d passed doreets o murder entedly and self-assuredly t tablis Effendi’s skull for no reason at all. Noen paces, catco Black and land a bloo , everyte Effendi e me to finis mean fear?) and prudent side continued to tell me t ter I’d murdered and tossed into a ruly a slanderer. And if t killed , and Eniso to t certainly invite me back to his home.
As I cmost certainty t none of t o us all: In reaction to being overly logical asies for fit, a our dreams rue; to understand t a particular maiden be permitted to marry us or t ion in life.
I c ep to tred t coiled cozily around my . Men like Black, free from pangs of conscience and ures before t tire an entering able and immediately belittle to grab a stone and run up be too great to resist.
e of me and completely unaurning and ting streets of Istanbul, climbing and descending, raveled like breted streets given over to battling packs of stray dogs, passed burnt ruins yards rees murmuring to teries cros, just out of sigrangling tims, passed endless sables, dervisone I follo rat I ating him.
I AM DEAt you needn’t be afraid, I’m just an illustration. Be t as it may, I read terror in your eyes. t I’m not real—like children who give
to a game—you’re still seized by ually met Deat me, you sense t you’ll soil yourselves out of fear moment is up