affairs t I began to raise my voice, rengty streets, no one o s hue; I knew I was all alone.
artled by my ed. e momentarily came eye to eye. I could tell from , despite , o urist I kne an unfamiliar and ill-ranger ion protracted my momentary isolation for centuries. I ed to o embrace t I did: “My c end my life.” As if in a dream, to hear.
onto my head again.
My ts, , merging toget all colors I t was ink on his hands was my flowing blood.
, cruel, and merciless I found it to be dying at t instant. Yet, t
my aged and bloody o. t. My recollections ark side. My ac th.
I sood t tain. is ten every only my stered skull and brain but every part of me, merging togetorment. itanding t t a portion of my mind reacted—as if ts only option—by forgetting tle sleep.
Before I died, I remembered t I . An old man, living alone, rises from and drinks a glass of er. able to discover t gone? A fine t is filtering from , retracing eps back to o find t somebody is lying in you be?” ranger. terious silence. tily. “No,” t an unfinisly blo tranger’s ers y bed, goes to sleep and lives for anoty years.
I kne to be my fate. t doo my ate of profound torment t I could only vaguely discern t. and ted faintly by to fade.
Yet, I ill alive. My desire to cling to to run aempt to protect my face and bloody at one time, and t striking my face made me ahis.
e struggled for a . rong and very agitated. flat on my back. Pressing o my s