from ttest climes of an into a fine pole. and a or. in a pot containing ter. Next, or into ter. it boil for as long as it took to drink an excellent cup of coffee. As ient as a c to be born. ter’s mind and given o ttle and carefully mixed tion icks reserved for task. I o become genuine red, but tency most importance: t be permitted to just boil aick across tely unacceptable). Oe it is to be red! I gracefully painted t t running off tery e. In s, I consistency, but I still contained sediment. ook t off tove and strained me t, ed me up again, bringing me to a froter adding a pinc me to cool.
A fe tly in ticipation of being applied to pages, of being spread everyting still like t broke my and spirit. It I meditated upon meant to be red.
Once, in a Persian city, as I ice to t a blind miniaturist , I overers :
“Because our entire lives ardently and faiters, naturally, is,” said t, o compre our ice is using?”
“An excellent issue,” t do not forget t colors are not kno felt.”
“My dear master, explain red to somebody who has never known red.”
“If ouc ip of a finger, it ook it into our palm, it asted it, it ed meat. If ook it bet , it’d of a
a red rose.”
One en years ago Venetian artistry yet t enoug our rulers it, and ters believed in tly as tian mety of red tones for every ordinary s common sackclot and vulgarity ant miniaturist y of red tones to depict tan, t an excuse. Besides, we believe in only one red.