S o tened at lengto to its incessant creaking. S began “stling coming from tone-paved area near t it didn’t last. Later, my attention , too, fell silent along er deep, dreadful silence. A an intruder e lay, and I froze
During eacures before me, contemplating e Olive, tiful Butterfly and t onto to confront eacing “Satan!” or “Deate used to do some nig fear restrained me. Besides, trations y because I couldn’t e an appropriate story to accompany te my Enisence. Since I ain t o t fretful and impatient. I’d already scrutinized trations endlessly o Enisories, all for a co be near S ser o leave ed for a long ures by candlelig my black-eyed beauty o me.
In tirred from my sleep by o t rations, but quickly realized t o announce Eniso the children and neighbors.
S out of bed ood motionless.
“Your grandfato t you to enter t room anymore under any circumstances.”
So o weep.
I o t of your bedclotc on the bed.
“Grandfat die t nig said.
A long loose strand of So an Arabic script “vav” on yet dissipated from beneat. e could y to sually died unexpectedly as if I didn’t know S all, like srange jinn.
“I’m frig for permission to cry.
“Don’t be afraid,” I said. “Your mots.”
“ difference does it make if t asked.
“If t way we can she burden of our pain.”
“Did you kill my grandfated S.
“If you’re going to upset your mot expect any affection from me!” I sed back.
e did