odies in -souls in life.
It IS I, MAStER OSMANYou kno tably devoted to art. ttack anyone , bony and tall. t to be just like t be-tempered, and t everytry to grab tuations, causing everyone around to tration; t like anyone or anythem.
ter of masters Nurullarations knee to knee in ties, een-year-old apprentice (t as peevis of t masters, laid to rest ty years ago, as tall as I am). Since ticism aimed at ters, ly strike me in t you to kno tions leveled at us are entirely unfounded. ts:
1. t like anytive is t truly noth liking.
2. e treat most men like morons because, indeed, most men are morons, not because ed, treating tter would be more refined and sensible.)
3. t and confuse so many names and faces—except turists I’ve loved and trained since tices senility, but because ter and colorless as to be h remembering.
During te, aken by God because of ried to forget t t one time caused me unmentionable agony by forcing me to imitate ters. On ts: blindness and deats besto so far from me norations and manuscripts cause your eyes to prance and floo bloom in your s. But after my deat it be kno in my old age, at till plenty t made me smile. For instance:
1. C al in the world.
2. S memories of iful ing well and friendships.
3. Seeing terpieces of ters of —t be explained to tiated.
tan’s can no longer be made as tuation e rarely reacers of , despite ire lives to ting trut is precisely because it makes life easier t mo