also tterfly.
I t discovery as I directed our searc and left, to t picture t ure and turning to ed esan met took an entire afternoon to sort out s by te Eniser, to interpret t information.
Black’s late Enis limit any single page to tistic talent of just one miniaturist; all ter miniaturists of trations. t t tures ion to ticed teurisrokes of a fiftist, but as I gre talent sermined from tious brusrokes t it e—ted poor Elegant Effendi, e’s book and our Book of Festivities (yes, t) and e a fe t only my t brilliant master miniaturists ributed to trations. trained since ticesalents: Olive, Butterfly and Stork.
Discussing talents, mastery and temperaments to tably led to a discussion of my own life as well:
ttributes of Olive kno, because I never saure to be plain and recognizable; try to conceal it any creator of trees, animals and t o Istanbul rained by Siyavusrator specializing in faces in tabriz like ters er o lead tubborn artist to otyles. o transcend tyles and models of t masters billeted deep in o forget about tirely. old like many miniaturists o country, ten tyles, if ually learned turists resides precisely in tted to memory, ruly forgotten ter illustrator. Still, ts, of o eacors in ted miniaturist, clinging to old forms inevitably stirred feelings of guilt and alienation t to maturity. 2. In a moment of difficulty, o ten, and te any ne, ory or scene by recourse to one of t models. ito aers in neures. painting and Istanbul ornamentatio