I can ions already: “My dear Storyteller Effendi, you migo imitate anyone or anyt never a I beg to differ. true, I’ve y to city, imitating everyto t at ivals and coffeeil my voice gave out, and t to marry, but t mean I’m unacquainted h womenfolk.
I knoe , I’ve kno in eternal peace; 2. my beloved aunt; 3. t me), !” on one of t an open ravels. Despite never toward ill do. Perhaps, by now, she’s passed away.
Seeing a o nessing y opens to bot and deep spiritual pain in us men, and t of all alternatives is not to lay eyes on ty first being laates. to seek out tiful boys, a satisfactory surrogate for females, and in due time, too, becomes a s . In ties of t exposing not only t also tly ser t attractive feature), tiful ts, and even, if ion of t, ties difficulty, embarrassed and in extreme pain, because, you see, t sides are al and t naturally leads to ty. Undoubtedly, tress to us Ottomans.
After realizing, t recipe for my spiritual entment o live far from beautiful tures. At t time, since I seen any , my curiosity assumed a mystical quality, my o tingle, and I kne I could only learn if I did e e, said ated t to my grandfathe
sold tayed at home.
“Come along. Look, you’ll entertain us by mimicking trees and ry. ’ll you do in peace.
“I’m going to put on your dresses and become a omacs.”
“Don’t be sucle.”
I so you, my painter and calligraply once t and I donned to my noed mot, as s I learned t day about being a m