d and evil, but incestuous sexuality. Incest -- a recurring Carter subject -- crops up again in quot;tioners Beautiful Daug;, a tale set in tessential Carter location -- one of tory quot;t;, quot;tsquot;. olves er-country villages and tamorphoses.
Carters otry is tist, trickster, teer. quot;t; takes o yet anotainous, Middle-European village ed like vampires (akes t) ised rites of immemorial beastliness in tsquot;. As in all Carters fairground stories, quot;tesque is t;. Lady Purple, trix marionette, is a moralists o a puppet because s;pulled only by trings of Lustquot;. Se of Pinoccamorp-;Masterquot;, one of t;unappeasable appetitesquot; to ial. In ion, t ladies in ional earth.
ters masterly married to ories needs. (For t of tic Carter, read ise C in spite of all t last novel, t of o endure.)
title story, or overture, begins as classic grand guignol: an innocent bride, a mucle stood upon a melting s room containing , murderous man: Carters first variation on ty and t. t t: instead of to save y agrees to go to t, o ers rescue.