The Tigers Bride-1
bmission stop plaguing ty, tiger-man ake you a ra, in ts were all he head downwards did he resemble a man.
And yet t goes al cannot be looks like mine.
But tiger-man, in spite of ake a glass of ale in ian and drink it doeps of Upper Moor Fields oo. t, if t a good little girl and did not eat root, tiger-man on ravelling cloak lined like your daddys, and straigo the nursery and --
Yes, my beauty! GOBBLE YOU UP!
ed terror, seased me. And t I must not tell farmyard, ed me into teries of o t ter. let on to your nursie -eyed, ugly as sin, o lers and and teet proved it. But, side ted to besides being able to tell which eggs would become cocks, which hens.
ts once broug and go back to turbed it until t not?
Old ales, nursery fears! I kneion I cosily titillated itious marvels of my cal in today Id make my first investment.
e ty far beraversing a disilated stumps of te frozen ditc diminis doil it seemed no more t one tarveling, t bouquet into t-stiff mud of ted my face lifted sufficiently to reveal before me an acreage of facades of s man-trap, tadel of his palazzo.
It self but a dead one, a burned-out planet. I sa bougude, not luxury, h his money.
ttle black rotted smartly t stood open to t of to tiles of t self, into table, s drummings of beneatall roof, s; a dozen gracile muzzles lifted from turned to. t ed, aptly enoug and blossom greogether.
t tely at my sleeve. Milord is ing.