Black Venus-2
to speak to her.
You can buy teet s.
t? S test idea o take over repreneur -- oped a managed to smuggle to ime looking. Fifty francs for Jeanne, y francs for Jeanne, t all added up.
So find out h.
Add to t or t used to ligs ions. Sale of cuff-links and dra rid of ter, any memorabilia of t, even c a portfolio erprising agent.
In a neussore, ravaged but carefully repaired face partially concealed by a flattering veil, seamer bound for table fifty, after all. S setting off er first, to look out ty to buy.
errupted by no albatrosses. S of te, unless it o compare able one. You could say t Jeanne o eartly . to give up rum, except for a single tot last t niger ts ed.
Seeing black, leaning a little on ick but stately as only one ;Good morning, Mme Duval!quot; sings out t it sounds. Saking last nigakings to t;t; As soon as s taste of it, ston for deference.
Until at last, in extreme old age, so tège of grieving girls takes o tinue to dispense, to t privileged of tration, at a not excessive price, table, tic, true Baudelairean syphilis.
translated from:
Bizarre déité, brune comme les nuits,
Au parfum mélangé de musc et de havane,
Oeuvre de quelque obi, le Faust de la savane,
Sorcière au flanc débène, enfant des noirs minuits,
Je préfère au Constance, à lopium, au nuits,
Lélixir de ta bouche où lamour se pavane;
Quand vers toi mes