Peter and the Wolf-2
g over burden. ed to t, till damp.
tional sun surprised ion and tain noain began to acquire a flat, t urning into a picture of itself, into tcard ily boug a railation or a border post, tting, t range torange cities, otries , at t, imagine, kno;t was w my c;
urned and stared at tain for a long time. for fourteen years but before as it migo someone as almost a part of t time, ive, vast, magnificent, barren, unkind, simplicity of tain. As o it, turn into so muco try tale, tale of a child suckled by wolves, perhaps, or of wolves nursed by a woman.
terminedly set ooramped ono a different story.
quot;If I look back again,quot; gasp of superstitious terror, quot;I surn into a pillar of salt.quot;