Chapter XV.
travelers o t gate of Emerald City and rang ter ringing several times, it es t be- fore.
quot;! are you back again?quot; he asked, in surprise.
quot;Do you not see us?quot; anshe Scarecrow.
quot;But I t you o visit tc.”
quot;e did visit ; said the Scarecrow.
quot;And s you go again?quot; asked the man, in wonder.
quot;S , for sed,quot; explained the Scarecrow.
quot;Melted! ell, t is good ne; said the man.
quot;ed her?”
quot;It ; said the Lion gravely.
quot;Good gracious!quot; exclaimed the man, and he bowed very low indeed before her.
to tle room and locked ta- cles from t box on all t as ere into ty. es t Doroted tc, travelers and follo croo the Palace of Oz.
till on guard be- fore t t once, and t by tiful green girl, once, so t rest until t Oz o receive them.
traigo Oz t Dorotravelers er destroying tc Oz made no reply. t t izard once, but . t day, nor t, nor t. ting iresome and last t Oz sreat ter sending to undergo hardships and slavery.
So t last asked to take anoto Oz, saying if let to see once to
o come to t four minutes after nine oclock t morning. t, and
them again.
travelers passed a sleepless nig Oz o bestoelling o tle girl at home again.
Promptly at nine oclock t morning to tes later t into t Oz.
Of course eaced to see taken before, and all ly surprised all in the room.
t close to to one anotillnes