s you misuse us! and surely if, once in a while,
You attain to it, straigoo fair, but too vile.
A moment,--I pray your attention!--I have a poor word in my head
I must utter, tom it doter unsaid.
You greo impertinence, once when I showed you a ring.
You kissed my fan ter! Ive broken thing.
You did me to be moved at my side nohen
In to beasts and some men.
Loves a virtue for e as the snow on high hills,
And immortal as every great soul is t struggles, endures, and fulfils.
I love my alter profoundly,--you, Maude, tered a week,
For t is it--an eyebroill, a mole on the cheek?
And since, o stoop to t
About crimes irresistable, virtues t sray and supplant.
I determined to prove to yourself t, dream or avow
By illusion, you ed precisely no more of me than you have now.
tand, if you can,
t the palm of a man.
Drop you a scar--
You take us for s, I tell you, and not for the women we are.
You ter! And so at the end
I vo be mulcted, by me, in the hand of a friend.
you indeed? e are quits ter, be mine!
Come, Dora, my darling, my angel, and o ask o dine.