Sonnet I-V
ness at my door ?
Look up and see t broken in,
ts and os builders in the roof !
My cricket c thy mandolin.
her proof
Of desolation ! thin
t sing . . . alone, aloof
t to some palace-floor,
Most gracious singer of high poems! where
ting, from the care
Of c lips for more.
And dost t tcoo poor
For think and bear
to let thy music drip here unaware
In folds of golden fulness at my door?
Look up and see t broken in,
ts and os builders in the roof!
My cricket c thy mandolin.
her proof
Of desolation! thin
t sing...alone, aloof.
I lift my up solemnly,
As once Electra her sepulchral urn,
And, looking in turn
t t. Behold and see
a great heap of grief lay hid in me,
And he red wild sparkles dimly burn
t in scorn
Could tread t to darkness utterly,
It mig if instead
t beside me for to blow
t up, . . . thine head,
O my Beloved, shee so,
t none of all the fires shall scorch and shred
tand farthen ! go.
I lift my up solemnly,
As once Electra her sepulchral urn,
And, looking in turn
t t. Behold and see
a great heap of grief lay hid in me,
And he red wild sparkles dimly burn
t in scorn
Could tread t to darkness utterly,
It mig if instead
t beside me for to blow
t up,...thine head,