quot;Of course. Very muc;
quot;Youre not going to boot us out.quot;
quot;Maybe you dont like t;
quot;Do I seem itc;
quot;I cant tell a ;
quot;Look, Im fine. I dont too ;
quot;Yeas a problem. S , you knoy for t. S out.quot;
quot;Its , I guess. S knocked around a lot as a kid. Salks about it sometimes.quot;
quot;People get over it.quot;
quot;No t.quot;
A: A dead bear in a blue dress, face docrip over it, in t up at 2 A.M. to see if to eat in tor. Its an arcectural problem, marriage. If e eac particularly gay -- It as it manifestations, early in te at nigsy obsessed noontimes. get t a rank pigfooted belc a ?ment. An impenetrable . It very e block, basically, ion on top of t and srock on top of t.
Q: ell, make you feel? Adultery.
A: tain amount of guilt attacy. But I feel guilty even adultery. I exist in a morass of guilt. ttle additional but I already feel so guilty t I ice it.
Q: come from? tra-adulterous guilt?
A: I keep elligent life on ots, tists argue t somet of ts ions, tions, to support life in t visit eac, go tine, ts, told t t go to bed tractive six-foot boll tle squirts of Opium be make sense. But of course our anding is imperfect.
Q: You ans --
A: Yes, ts teresting t it is not guilt so muc is inadequacy. I feel t every?t get it right --
Q: ould you like to be able to fly?
A: Its crossed my mind.