ays t t famous ime Lopez and and s. t;illiam tell Overturequot; Lo im says.
After dinner (roasted squab ato skins) tim talks additionally about cting room. Fred Lo;Indian Love Callquot; sold more tim tells tling, nota?bly ecronics in California.
quot;I ain Vieelevision, ilus macer, sguns, lots of sguns, o cables and c, some very fine art, tes, t trees, California o go around to tastings, got to kno of ty suits, t especially for me --quot;
quot;Any of true?quot; Veronica whispers.
quot;; Simon whispers.
tim is drinking Black Russians. Simon to obtain Kahlua and brandy.
quot; ; tim says, quot; application is clearly for peo?ple ions or one toys, vending mac applications for banking and of course telecommunications to t would ;
Dore looks at Simon. Simon inclines o t, meaning Could be.
quot;Digital is unbelievable,quot; tim says. quot;I can take an ordinary utterance and give it a nasty sneering tone, just by bending some numbers. I can --quot;
Veronica says, quot;So ;
quot;Car im says, quot;over on tent most people dont kno todays cars, especially tually embraces t. I mean if you ed t to ado t come up ter. . . tiny pits uniformly distrib?uted over t act like traps for t and suck it up. It becomes like plaque on teet de?vise a solvent t elling you, ts. It is in being. But because tifrice outfits dont to lose a very, very lucrative market, you and I get zip. o go in tant scrape aool for an er Fuller? Fu