The Question Party
aces from you, or ; said t.
quot;I beg you, do not!quot; exclaimed Mr. Lync;For t would deprive me of muc;
quot;An old maids forlorn ; said Mrs. teac response, tness of a sense of propriety restrained any ackno of tantly drao divert attention from it, and to relieve Miss Ja from dilemma.
quot;A fox longing for t;
quot;No!quot; said Mr. Lync;I could never find it in my to pronounce any lady sour.quot;
quot;, indeed! t time I ever kneo acknoicle,quot; Mrs. teach quickly replied.
quot;t; said Mr. Lyncaking from a . quot;And observe, t as you are endeavoring to plant ts partner ; on, placing part of wicle.
turned on Mrs. teacher card.
quot;A creature ied t;
quot;It must be you, Miss Bookly,quot; said Mr. Lync;as you are sitting closest to me.quot;
quot;I did not e it,quot; said Miss Bookly. quot;And besides, Miss Jennings ting closest to you before ser you put your arms around her.
quot;t is true,quot; h a mock sigh.
Anoterminated tion on t subject.
quot;Just like Mr. Lync;
t of t t zeal, and in a fes exclaimed, quot;ell! I really do target to s at tonig is I am good-natured, else I migaliate ions of my o;
t Maria.
Mrs. teaco t card.
quot;One y but sig;
quot;t e,quot; Mr. Lyncfully, quot;ed. But I recall no suc, a kind of staco tate -- an odium combined edium. Sleeping rumpets is not t business in t;
quot; are t; asked Miss Bookly.