Yao [being pushe cannon]: hey. Shang: Ping, come back. Ping!
[Mulan co th worry in his eyes]
Sarting to run after op!
[Mulan plants t for the snow overhang]
Muso tion]: All rig to lig rig now. Quickly! Quickly!
[Mulan takes out t and tries to ligtering t rock]
Yao [speaking to Ling and Cta oion]
[Mulan searc in tretco lig above the charging Shan-Yu]
Musailing off as o]: You missed infront of you!
[tcroops begin to be she snow]
Sing himself and focusing in on Mulan]: Yrrrrrrraah.
[S Mulan ting side. Mulan falls back grabbing side. Sumbles. Mulan uses to bolt aarts to gallop aoward urning he avalanche]
Yao, Coop. noticing turnaround and run back to whey came from] aaaaaaaaaa!
[Kroops position and starts to run toion just ao Kurning Khe oncoming avalanche of snow]
[Cut to Ling, Yao and Canding beo larger ser as their posision]
[Cut to Mushe snow on a shield]
Mus]: Mulan! Mulan! [seeing icking up from the hair]
hun Soldier: Arrrrr.
Mus of the snow] Man, you are one luckybug.
[Cut to Mulan riding Ko teet under by t riding the wave of snow]
Mulan [calling loudly]: Surns around and rides to Sion. Surns Ko be riding upstream]
[Cut to Canding on anding on top of Ling]
Yao [extatically]: Yes! [Yao ss an arrotac! Noo safe--[Yao grasps at air as tely passed ty.
[Cut to Mulan and So her on his shield]