Part 3-3
And I didnt knoe me and all t. alk ten. I just t t if I told to hey could do.
So t moment, of like t t as cetera. But you kno of rainy day box? For example, you t any more, top myself. One day, if Im really fucking up badly, t give up and ask Mum and Dad to bail me out. Anyal rainy day box y no t all time.
So, I did uations. I told my mum to fuck off and I told my dad to fuck off and t, even to be talking to someone elses friends and family afterwards.
And t up to top of tairs, I felt stupid, but it oo late to go back do raig treet and into t on t train t came. No one cer me.
JJ te I sa basement, I felt trollable little flicker of ! to rescue me! t of tting up for a gig tonigero te apartment t sed for ts ment ing and decorating! And… old guy talking to Jess? Could ive? . ter I found out t Lizzie ead and his own graphic design company.
I snapped out of it pretty quick. tement in t t about my future. I could see love t made me feel a little teary, to tell you trutime so t t see me being a to a Starbucks basement because told to come to a Starbucks basement, and neithem had any idea why.
s up, man? said Ed. I doing so good.
Yeaurn up. I ed to say somet t Mica I didnt Ed to get on my case even before alked.
Noturn up ta come home.
I didnt to o go into ty-day t.
Look at you, I said. , of money, and a pair of ill long, it looked kind of date ty.
I never really ed to look like I used to l