Part 3-3
t t need any stories about earrings. You could say t stories about earrings ed on them.
You could say all t, but it be true. tories - you could see it in t need stories to keep person is Matty. (And maybe even knoalking to killing yourself. You can let parts of yourself die. Jesss mot c come to life again.
t train t came along off at London Bridge and for a ter, youd I . I mean, t just because t doesnt mean youre t like if youve got a pocket full of pennies it doesnt mean youre ricard, bitc, fuck, ty fast, too fast even for me to make a sentence out of ts not really t, is it?
So I cer for a little o a stall by t some tobacco and papers and matc back to doo roll myself a feo do, sort of t knoo be . I forget, I ts to smoke, me. Youd bet any money t I smoked like fuck, and I dont. Neion: smoke more. Its got to be better for you tower-blocks.
Anyting do turer from college. -scies. eacypograp, and I to a couple of il I got bored. I dont mind ail and . And ed to be our friend, say t about some of them.
to tell tory trut o me. And to be really properly trut some of tal s entirely mental, if you see to be mental, but some of it t because t. It of slopping out of me, as if t of a tap and running into a bucket (my boturning tap off even w was full.
ts looked like from my point of vie looked like I ting on t rolling up fags and so myself, and ts not suc? o me, and t my , and tarted talking to me quietly. And he was like, Jes