a—and scientific discipline to all ery at Brno ution. It y tradition of careful scientific investigation.
Before embarking on s, Mendel spent ties of pea, to make sure true. timeassistants, edly bred and crossbred y ts. It e o take t exacting pains to avoid accidental cross-fertilization and to note every sligion in tems, and flowers. Mendel knew w he was doing.
coined until 1913, in an Englisionary—t terms dominant and recessive. ablis every seed contained tors” or “elemente,” as oneand a recessive one—and tors, terns ofinance.
ts ed into precise matical formulae. Altogeteigs, ts s onflos. If anytoo scientific in ed tings of tural orySociety of Brno in 1865, t forty listened politely but s ter of great practical interest to manyof the members.
o t SanistKarl-il al for ts.
Unfortunately, N?geli failed to perceive tance of Mendel try breeding ly did as N?geli suggested,but quickly realized t e features for studying ability.
It to N?geli read t all. Frustrated,Mendel retired from investigating ability and spent t of standing vegetables and studying bees, mice, and sunspots, among mucually.
Mendel’s findings quite as imes suggested. udyreceived a glory in tannica —tific t ted repeatedly in an important paper by t irely sank beloerline of scientific t t them.
toget realizing it, Darietury. Dar all living ted, tultimately trace try to a single, common source,” o y of o Dar o to get in touc is knoo udied Focke’s inf