ible to see to the shadows again.
tant, because it ely risky, and it it seemed t y al magic, a kind of fiercely y t could make t invisible but simply unnoticed.
degree of intensity, sary traveler, being seen.
So noion to bear on tter of altering to deflect attention completely. It took some minutes before s. Sested it by stepping out of o tools. epped aside to avoid looking at her once.
S to tly lit saloon and opened it, finding ty. S ter door ajar so t s if so, and sa t opened on to a fligairs leading doo te-painted pipeed s, h sides.
Sly along, listening, until s sounded as if some kind of council was in session.
She door and walked in.
A dozen or so people ed around a large table. One or t, gazed at ly, and forgot once. Sood quietly near tcing o be clerics of one sort or anot from Mrs. Coulter, er of terior.
Serafina Pekkala looked around carefully and saed to one side at a table laden at first t ary, until s ently gazing at a golden instrument like a large copping every minute or so to note dooo and turning back to trument.
Serafina looked back to t table, because sch.
quot;S t; said one of t;S sc ;
quot;I am er kno; said t;Is told us before, I ;
quot;You ,quot; said Mrs. Coulter icily. quot;You forget I am a so subtle as a prince of t is trut I s t;
t apologetically:
quot;It seems t t concerns ter. All tances of o begin ians kno oo—terms of cian men to Bolvangar. An