feet became visible too, in the shabby black shoes he always wore.
“No, Master,” said tler. “No her.”
“I expect raigo hall, will you?”
“Very good, Master.”
“And youve decanted some of tokay for him?”
“Yes, Master. tial to t, I remember.”
“Good. Now leave me, please.”
“Do you need ter?”
“Yes, leave t too. Look in during dinner to trim it, will you?”
tler boo leave, rotting obediently after -muccer to a large oak ook laboriously on. ter y noiff and sloers daemon tled in omed place on shoulder.
Lyra could feel Pantalaimon bristling y, tly excited.
tor mentioned by ter, Lord Asriel, exploration, in distant .
s, ely.
ter took from a folded paper and laid it on table beside took topper out of ter containing a ricream of o ter before crumpling t into took a pencil from , stirred til topper.
brief squaer replied in an undertone, and looked around he door hed come in by.
Lyra w, Pan?”
“Of course I did! Noeward comes!”
But as he hall.
“ts te .”
Pantalaimon fluttered sly to tly back.
“te get out of ther door...”
ter ered and left by, opened onto t time of day it o leave papers or briefcases in to to leave tes before tewards bell rang.
And if s seen ter tipping t poo t eiced in t s made ate.
tsteps on teo make sure tiring Room er dinner. Lyra darted to t, and just as teered. Salaimon: the room was somber colored, and he co