the door.
“tll be ter,” said Lord Asriel. “Back in test noise, Ill make you wish you were dead.”
Sed back t once, and no sooner than Lord Asriel called, “Come in.”
As er.
“In here, my lord?”
Lyra saanding doubtfully in the corner of a large wooden box.
“ts riger,” said Lord Asriel. “Bring t table.”
Lyra relaxed a little, and allo. It migo make of girl ed eetly until it felt looser.
the glug of spilled liquid.
“Damn you, Ser, you careless old fool! Look w youve done!”
Lyra could see, just. o knock ter of tokay off table, and made it look as if ter .
t to apologize.
“Im truly sorry, my lord—I must —”
“Get someto clear t soaks into t!”
ter . Lord Asriel moved closer to tone.
“Since youre in tcer closely eresting about ting furto trouble youre already in. Understand?”
“Yes, Uncle.”
“Make a noise in t help you. Youre on your own.”
ood o ter came back pan for th.
“I can only say once again, my lord, I do most earnestly beg your pardon; I dont know w—”
“Just clear up the mess.”
As ter began to mop t, tler knocked and came in , a man called t ter opped dead.
“Yes, it okay,” said Lord Asriel. “too bad. Is t tern? Set it up by t ther end.”
Lyra realized t so see tever t like t for t made unrolling tiff linen and setting it up on its frame, she whispered:
“See? It it?”
“It migalaimon said austerely, in