t t in tc alloiring Room.”
“Course not. t tell servants about a t. And I iring Room, so t. to some tartars s out, but looked at o . My uncle said ied to teach him a lesson.”
Roger t t Gobblers, but tory oo good to e, so took it in turns to be Lord Asriel and tartars, using s dip for the foam.
raction; Lyra ill intent on playing Gobblers, and so tered by means of tlers spare set of keys. toget t vaults s Burgundy, its brant stone arced by pillars as ten trees, irregular flagstones lay underfoot, and on all sides ier upon tier, of bottles and barrels. It ing. itten again, toed from end to end rembling fingers, peering into every dark corner, ion gro in Lyras mind every moment: aste like?
t. Lyra—over Rogers fervent protests—picked out t, tiest, greenest bottle s o extract t off at t corner, t tell aste muc so admit ed it tcting more and more muddled: falling over, giggling senselessly, and co look like gargoyles, eacrying to be uglier ther.
Finally, and almost simultaneously, t it o be drunk.
“Do ter vomiting copiously.
“Yes,” said Lyra, in tion. “And so do I,” subbornly.
Lyra learned not episode except t playing Gobblers led to interesting places. S intervieo explore underground, for ion of t system extended over acres, Jordan (finding itself jostling for space above ground . Micy Library beime in to spread belohe surface.
tunnels, ss, vaults, cellars, staircases t t t as mucood on a sort of frotone.