inner to prepare and serve in less ters got guests in ting over t means Co attend to getting t dont go cold; and to go on. Im sure Roger11 turn up....”
Lyra turned and ran out of tcack of silver dis arose. Seps and across too t buildings of tood.
Pantalaimon scampered before airs to top, , and scrambled out. tone gutter a foot beloanding in t, surned and clambered up over tiles until sood on topmost ridge of talaimon, wh her.
t, cream: tender little ice-cream clouds in a oood around t no eau-Vert and e o t and t. Rooks of a gas engine announced t of tc climb a. Mic first as tip of tle finger arms lengteadily smaller until it in the pearly sky.
Surned and looked doo to drift in ones and totery, trutting or fluttering alongside or percs ained-glass o glo moved up tables ligeo toll, announcing half an hour before dinner.
ted it to stay t it ealing c on the roof ridge, chin in hands.
“e better rescue alaimon,” sll be dangerous,” .”
“Remember iring Room.” “?”
“Somet a cic. t attracting t.”
“t ire c about it?”
“t mig to do to Roger and tians and ther kids.”
“ell, ire mean?”
“Dunno. t em in of em.
td be more use. t mines up tomcraft. I bet ts is. And if t groead because t less. ts h him.”
“I think—”
But alaimon t o , because someone began to s from below.
“Lyra! Lyra! You come in tant!”
it here was no hiding from her.
tigo tt