ecause of erest in Dust. e cant understand it. But tood. e see tartars making trangeness of it. So Dust may be strange, and it, but fret and tear t to examine it. Leave t to the Church.”
“to alking alaimon, in t mig er, and t of tomill on tar at Gabriel College, and ary particles pustle vanes around.
tercessor t tary particles and religion. “Could be,” s C, after all. But most C ent old, as far as I know.
I wonder if Lord Asriel migell me....”
She yawned.
“I better lie do I never been t die if I get any colder.”
“the furs.”
“Yeao die, Id rat blade t t ....e bot do of ensity of to the sleeping Roger.
And so travelers sailed on, sleeping in ted balloon, tos of Svalbard.
Serafina Pekkala called to t, and once, groggy a of t t somet rong ed tco . If t go, t off course at once, and to judge by t to nearly a hundred miles an hour.
“ion, and so cold t every part of her body was numb.
S c t of an anbaric lantern, Lee Scoresby o a strut and pull at a rope leading up into tself. ug as if against some obstruction, and looked up into ting dark before looping t on the suspension ring.
“Im letting out some gas!” ed to Serafina Pekkala. “ell go down.
ere oo high.”
tcurn, but again Lyra couldnt . Roger oo; t sleeper, never mind talaimon clung togets, and Lyra concentrated on lying still and not leaping up in fear.
“S all rig do some matc. I pinc tc Bolvangar.”
tainly d