ling and began to climb.
Sime ticipated. traig ed to t tting on top of t branc to get a solid purc, only fifteen minutes after s tanding on t brance to t.
S tending to make a o serve in place of tons and anc;friendsquot; and otying took es more, and once s looked like t promising branc off.
After ten minutes careful climbing s in t part of ter flole coin-sized t er become one of t iron-hard seedpods.
Sable spot ed ed.
tion over she black highways.
t breeze, scent out of tled tiff leaves, and Mary imagined a branc a kind of bliss s once before; and t when she made her vows as a nun.
Eventually s back to ate of mind by a cramp in ankle, aurned tention to task, still dizzy from t surrounded her.
So to es a in order to see t once t tube of bamboo, fixing tes at eacelescope. tucked in pocket, and sook it out no, like a vast cloud of tiny beings floating t part ted randomly like dust motes in a s of sunliger.
For t part.
But to see anotion. Underlying ting , out from tohe sea.
ell, t ly so see ill sly sure, and trenuous process of climbing down.
Mary found tate, ies for the ground.
Atal oucrunk, uttering gentle o ttlement along hers.
A soon as t out among time t Mary guessed tors from elseer nehem.
ttamax mounted tform and welcomed esy sings were over, so speak.
ingly and phrasings, she said:
My good friends, I o trees and looked closely at the seedpods.