told , t s o become vulnerable to ters, and secondly, t Pan must be somewhere close by.
quot;ill, ill...” she cried.
urned, knife in hand and eyes ablaze.
But before c, and so him.
quot;Pan! Pan!quot; sanding on tiptoe to look all around.
ill rying not to be sick. After a fes t to finding ts, cries, voices crying in pain or terror, tant yowk-yowk-yowk of cliff-gs circling overhe wind.
Lyra felt it first on , and t in torm: all teness he horizon.
Beill s every grove and every single tree bet and vivid, little frail t and flower.
And t all te-cers almost clearly no ills eyes and las so bloers a ted straig to in every sense for his.
And noning, and t almig t o umbled, as if driven doo eac no one he millions of worlds.
itca Skadis clan, and Reina Mitis, and corccumen, reaming over tress from t, from t of traigoorm.
tile ers still remained in tco to cry out and tumble blazing to t most of time, and t fligcreamed like a river of fire into t of torm.
A fligain to meet tcer t tco t, and t ones soared up o to left and rigorcer angel, outlined in fire, tumbled screaming from the air.
And t great drops of rain came doorm clouds meant to douse tced; tcumen blazed defiance at it, spitting and o t to te Lyra and ill o tung tiny stones.
t all tumbled and struggled, er from tumult: quot;Pan! Pan!quot;
t constant noorn open. Bet;Pan! My Pantalaimon! Pan!quot; from Lyra and a not w she w