chapter x
ters tering against t boxes like storm-borne icebergs ramming anctered, ered; a regular drumming t beat out a folloriding ice.
Dead mercy, desperate to escape truction t came roaring dohe river.
Sabriel, co t breater instead of air. Some of t least to ternal bondage. Most he Dead.
t of tly after ting as it came, a erfall. Sabriel for several seconds before it rounded t bend of t upon ical er, s crest like marble battlements and all t in its muddy body. It looked enormous, far taller taller even to t before.
It had been a simple enough summoning.
Mogget aken o tair, t grerange grotto, it . A block of pure, blue-ood upon a stone pedestal, boter marks, marks strange and beautiful.
t’s instruction, ss to ts t of er.” t airs, a sending locked t Sabriel a nig and a cup of ce.
But t simple ceremony seemed totally out of control.
Sabriel corying to calm as quickly as omach flipped over.
Just as t, selescope.
toerfall in a crack t sounded as if t she wave.
But, after a feopped so a controlled roar, like a sing drunk made aware of company. Sabriel ripod and opened her eyes.
t, till raged a mere up to tunnel doors on either bank.
tepping-stones, t a , carrying debris of all descriptions. trees, buss of buildings, livestock, cs tribute from every riverbank for hundreds of miles.
Sabriel looked at truction and ined t, or liveliened, upstream? Part of ried to rationalize ellin