chapter xx
. t mad and tried to burn t.”
“ o him?” asked Sabriel.
“ually,” replied Mogget. “Sook marked ttempt at governing the Kingdom.”
“It iful building,” toucone reminisced. “You could see out over t em of vents and ss to catc and the sea breeze.
ted candles burning . . .”
ed at a he park fence.
“e migrance to tal caves in ty steps doo ter, raty from the Palace proper.”
“One y-six,” said Mogget. “As I recall.”
toucone so turf of t, but rees nearby, and accordingly, shadows.
Sabriel follo jumping doer forhe air.
Sabriel dre left the bells.
t, but none close. too open in daylight.
tal caves es’ a fetid pond t ed seven er-spouting statues of bearded tritons. Noten leaves, and t solid h yellow-green slime.
trances, side by side.
toucone led to t, central entrance. Marble steps led do t, and marble pillars supported trance ceiling.
“It only goes back about forty paces into toucone explained, as t trance, sulpcenco t for picnics in high summer.
t t may be locked, but so a Cerspell.
teps are directly bety straig t ss. And it’s narrow.”
“I’ll go first t belied ttering in omac sense any Dead, but there . . .”
“Very oucone, after a moment’s ation.
“You don’t o come, you kno out, as tood in front of the sunshine.
S a as pale as a Death-leeched necromancer.
errible t e ion, Sabriel didn’t believe it
an Abhorsen.
“I do o,” touc