chapter xxvii
ying trip flares.
But in all tion, ty circle around tening coffin of Rogir.
Sabriel ooucone, feeling tance in ing at t of going any closer to t seemed to radiate stronger t fled. In tronger, its magic more forceful and malign.
“Pull!” sed toucone, he soldiers. “Pull!”
Sloones, inco steps, ting it over teps.
Sabriel decided to leave toucone to it, and tle o es. Sood tcive against t of Kerrigor.
And an unfamilar srange to ouc he allmaker.
t reminded .
strange combination of irascible companion to truct so kill t aarael . . .
I left t not t muc. I am t ignorant Aburies, and per sorely tried . . .
A clatter of ss interrupted s, follo arcing up into ts yellorail reacos follo burst into a slos , stretco the dark as far as she could see.