ation, but togetainly build such a peaceful house.
Everyone cannot afford to utor for e school building, garden and playground.
If eacarted doing t e a problem -- only a limited number of c educated -- so ire village.
Similarly, eacation.
t is all a temple and a mosque mean, nothing more.
At present, ters for spreading trouble and mischief.
So need to do aemples.
e must, ake care t a temple does not continue to be a center for causing trouble.
e must also take care t temple returns to t remain in the hands of hindus or Mohammedans.
If too to temple, as freely to to temple of Soruly a religious town.
town are good people.
ts of to their children.
One can see t ts of toion so t t fig themselves.
ts of toell t;A mosque is your emple is.
Go wherever you find peace.
Sit there.
All to matters.
And for thin yourself.
Or go wherever you feel.
quot; ty, t kind of temple ed in the world.
e been able to build it as yet.
I am not among to get rid of temples.
On trary, I am saying t our temples royed by to be their guardians.
But o say.
And tand, t t I am among troyers of temples.
roying a temple? soever is unlike a temple, , of course, be eliminated.
It is quite all rigo involve oneself in an effort to do so.
One last question, and ation.
One friend er the morning discussion: