Chapter 4
order to save op of it, and t tone.
one, omatically turned t direction, because ttention.
to concentrate on tone.
ized by tone; oone, and o it.
In life, en make takes her avoid.
e become ized by them.
For example, a man is afraid angry.
In tuation, ting angry ty-four times in ty-four hours.
tting angry, tized by anger.
to be angry ty-four hours.
Anoto look at beautiful excite iful y-four hours.
By and by, even ugly iful to o look like o him.
If from be is, a man or a woman.
Eventually ures and on posters o attract o ize him.
ures of nude a and t t even wondering ized by mere lines and colors.
ed to save hem; now he sees women everywhere.
o a temple or to a mosque, or anyw women.
A society ually becomes sexual.
A society criticizes; all its attention rated on it.
ty talks of celibacy, ty-minded and leco it.
t too mucalk of celibacy focuses ty.
All ted by us -- and .
tangled in this hypnosis.
And it is difficult to break, because t along soever attempts o break it.
In ted, and are still continuing to create for ourselves.
And them.
to be broken so we can wake up.
But to cut to discover false means.
In a ice, is meant to remove the falsehood from around us.
And so, all sadhana is false.
Meto help us reach God are false, because we have never been away from