Chapter 4
And even in to t of falling doop oneself from it.
Yes, go to tairs, but make room for yourself.
Because later if you fall over somebody you distracted too.
Yes, come down here.
Close the eyes
No calk, t quietly for ten minutes.
Close the eyes
leave the body relaxed
leave the body relaxed.
Leave tely relaxed, as if the body.
Let the whole energy move inside.
the body is moving inwards
flowing inwards
ting sside.
falls doet ernal like clothing.
Slip hin
and leave the body relaxed.
Experience th me.
Experience t the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing.
Feel it and leave totally relaxed.
a corpse.
Feel t the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is going on relaxing.
Let go, let go of all grip
do not keep o t go completely
take arol over it, as if t ones o will happen.
If it fallls do falls do one loses it.
Move back a competely
remove your feelings from it.
the body is relaxing.
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing