Chapter 4
It ing -- tting, the body will change sides.
ts es, you find it so difficult to sit still in meditation.
And from a t spots to tcurn.
e do not notice til ation.
e realize t sort of a body t doesnt to remain still in one position even for a second.
tension, and tement of tir up tire body.
For about ten minutes everyten minutes are available only to one o everyone.
Ot to five minutes; most people get only te of deep sleep.
ttle juice one minute of reaco to making our next ty-four hours work.
ever little amount of oil t s period, ilize it to carry on our lives for a full ty-four hours.
tsoever amount of oil it receives then.
t enouged to make tly so it can become a flaming torch.
Meditation brings you sloo the source of life.
t is not t you keep taking a out of it, you are simply in tself.
t is not t you refill your lamp ire ocean of oil becomes available to you.
to live in t very ocean.
it kind of living, sleep disappears -- not in t one doesnt sleep any more, but in t even whin remains wide awake.
t no more.
A yogi stays aally.
And ws disappear.
s in tate are called dreams in tate.
t difference bets and dreams: ts are sligtle primitive in nature.
Of t.
In fact, cribes, can tures, not in words.
Mans first ts are alures.
For example, ;I am hungry.
quot; A c; .
o go to t, but form th