Chapter 5
en, eleven, teen; ty, ty-one, ty-ty-three.
em , and o prove him wrong.
ioned ts.
Later on, Einstein said t even ts are also unnecessary, t one can even get along , but one can manage wo.
t ts in matics is a scientific superstition.
But tician is not ready to give up either.
;s?quot; So t a belief too; it .
From a scientific point of vieo be rig tually superstitions.
Scientists are also superstitious, and in titions are fading itions are growing.
t if you ask a religious person o kno God is ten in ta, and if you ask o knos in aritic, is ten in sucicians book.
is ta, in tics.
is to understand by superstition.
Superstition means t w .
e accept many t many t kno titious too.
Suppose a man in a village is possessed by a g.
Educated people is superstition.
Let us assume ted people are superstitious; ious because, being uneducated, to offer any argument in favor of their belief.
So all ted people of tain t tory of t is fake, but t kno at a university like ment conducting researco gs and spirits.
tment ed pographem.
t, currently, some ists are deeply involved in researco gs and spirits, and tained so many results t sooner or later to see t it ed men, ious, and t titious may not t.
If you read Ryon or Oliver Lodge, you will be amazed.
Oliver Lodge ist.
t igating gs and spirits.
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