Chapter 8
uge crowd.
And yet, sucer! Sucry! tion proves they are all involved in a double-dealing business.
None of t the soul.
Look at t t toon of sad t circus of sadry.
Some cloics aff in t yet anotype of circus! Sucry is in sucs o believe.
the world.
I o say they are wrong.
the same.
In t, around ter was high because of a few self-realized individuals.
the same; he has remained unchanged.
ted human consciousness.
talytic agent and ed human life.
ty for t loate of er lies es and cans religion.
ty for it wsoever.
Neither did he before, nor does he now.
If you to cop talking nonsense about improving t of eac teacion to everyone.
If you to co be o go tense inner experiments.
to undergo t deep hemselves
Not too many, just a hundred people.
If a ry reac of kno entire country omatically uplifted.
itry can be uplifted.
I agreed to speak on t only because I felt t in case some courageous man came fore ;Come on! If you are ready to go on an ino take you.
t can be s life is and h is.