Chapter 11
epeatedly: get on , take a jump; ted.
You are already on t just standing there.
the ocean is waving down below.
You can take a jump.
t, t is intense, you are sing, and the cool ocean is rolling below.
You can, of course, take a jump and be in cool ers.
You are standing on the diving board.
If you are o jump, to oss you below.
But you are standing ting in the sun.
tears beneath you.
If you care to take to help you.
But since you are not taking t.
Given tate of affairs, you he decision.
It is fine if you , there is no problem.
But make a decision: quot;I to .
I dont to be in cool er, I to stand in t, I to s.
I dont to jump, Ill stay right here.
quot; Make t.
I believe, if you did t decisive act would show you have grown.
At least you made a decision.
But you are a very strange type of people.
You say, quot;e dont to jump in the ocean.
e o enter ter; and ing profusely, but take a jump right now.
e do o leap for please .
o it? e tomorroer.
tops your growth.
By and by it makes you inert; you get stuck in the place where you are.
You become used to ting, t, and to t you o jump -- but tomorrow.
You omorro you o jump t day.
t used to saying ting ture patiently.
tinue to se you to enjoy him.
ing, t;Come if you like, its your pleasure.