Chapter 11
y -- and her foolish words -- are all nonsense.
If ever ty, if ever any man ion of t meaningfulness lay in their will.
Someone decides, for example, t eat for a day.
No rest as muc of not eating, as it does in o a resolution.
If ts even once in becomes totally useless.
Not eating means not only abstaining from eating p even mentally.
If a man could mindfully stay eating food for twelve aining his resolve.
Not eating is not significant by itself -- it simply o hang his will on.
After twelve y of o change.
ed for years and yet ty of c ing in y would have changed.
ing all t and t fast -- and yet nowy.
the same.
s a lock and to c is locked or not.
I know such a man.
he lives across from my house.
s, wors he is a man of such poor will.
I cimes.
en steps, to be sure.
I asked ;;
;Often I am not sure , so I come back to double check.
And least once?quot;
I said, quot; it occur to you time ;
; does occur to me indeed.
Not only once but times I feel like going back and c I feel embarrassed to do it.
s, but knoing means.
ting is to bring decisiveness, to bring a decision-making power.
turn back.
And of no return -- in thing is awakened.