Chapter 15
t advantages in closing t causes no harm.
But t even o y minutes; not muced of him.
o breaten minutes, es hing.
o take deep breattempts and again goes back to slohing.
t centered at all.
Breaten minutes deeply is not a very difficult to do.
And actually tion is not by breaten minutes.
is certain, by resolving to breaten minutes, tered.
ance working inside him.
And mind o realize to puso get along o obey.
You drive by every day.
Maybe you dont read the road.
But t to read ts utmost to force you to read tisements.
As your determination grohe mind goes dead.
tronger the mind.
tronger the will.
t press you to look at t because you c.
today you posed the challenge.
to look outside.
It rive a to force you to break your resolve and read the signs.
It s cunning.
things are.
e only live by the mind.
A seeker begins to live by his will.
One all.
Only one wrue seeker indeed.
A seeker means one o will.
So pick very small situations -- you can c a feimes during the day.
No one needs to kno it, but to go into isolation either.
Just do t quietly and move along.
For example, make a small resolve t quot; me, I will laug off.
quot; a number of times, eac you.
So make tiny resolve: quot;s angry at me, Ill simply laugter w.