Chapter 15
ucer, even by giving someone a regular military training.
Similarly, if a soul o be reborn as a braen or ty times, ty t can never be created by putting one into a gurukul -- a residential sceacing him.
tional means good for only one lifetime.
Some people in t a system of education t for an infinite number of lives.
It , but it met h decay.
It became corrupt and putrefied -- not because ts application because its fundamental sutras, its main principles .
And to be todians of tem do not ra to vouch for.
No brara, any understanding on wy.
te tures e t a brahmin is a brahmin, and a sudra is a sudra.
But scriptures are of no use; only tific principles work.
So t incredible experiment try did of planning th of a soul for endless lives.
t means t only prepared ture lives, trolled and systematic effort to redirect and che lives ahead.
Because it is possible t a braake birte environment, be able to carry t lives into lives.
t difficulty.
It is also conceivable t w en days by being born in a bra acen years in a sudras home.
So suc and farreacion ty.
t taking birt one may keep finding y for lives together.