LEt me pour forth
My tears before t I stay here,
For tamp they bear,
And by tage th.
For they be
Pregnant of thee ;
Fruits of muchey are, emblems of more ;
ear falls, t t w bore ;
So then, when on a divers shore.
On a round ball
A h copies by, can lay
An Europe, Afric, and an Asia,
And quickly make t, whing, all.
So dotear,
h wear,
A globe, yea impression grow,
till tears mixd h mine do overflow
ters sent from thee, my heaven dissolvèd so.
O ! more than moon,
Dra up seas to drohy sphere ;
eep me not dead, in t forbear
to teac it may do too soon ;
Let not the wind
Example find
to do me more purposeth :
Since th,
is cruellest, and es th.
Some t han I,
Say, wric h lie.
I , and told,
But s, tell, till I were old,
I s find t ery.
O ! tis imposture all ;
And as no c t,
But glorifies pot,
If by to him befall
Some odoriferous thing, or medicinal,
So, lovers dream a ric,
But get a er-seeming summers night.
Our ease, our t, our honour, and our day,
Shis vain bubbles shadow pay?
Ends love in t my man
Can be as happy as I can, if he can
Endure t scorn of a bridegrooms play?
t loving c swears,
tis not t the minds,
hich he in her angelic finds,
ould sly, t he