Chapter 15
ked round, and could see notill gazed, tural sound erated: and I kne came from be impulse o rise and fasten t; my next, again to cry out, “here?”
Someteps retreated up toorey staircase: a door ely been made to s in t staircase; I open and close, and all ill.
“as t Grace Poole? and is s I. Impossible noo remain longer by myself: I must go to Mrs. Fairfax. I and opened trembling outside, and on tting in t tance: but still more o perceive te dim, as if filled o t , to find wrong smell of burning.
Somet door no more of Mrs. Fairfax; I t no more of Grace Poole, or tant, I ongues of flame darted round tains of blaze and vapour, Mr. Rocer lay stretcionless, in deep sleep.
“ake! upefied a moment could be lost: ts ely, one er. I s occupant, fleo my oized tinguis.
t, tcied it, and, above all, to last. t range anat finding er.
“Is there a flood?” he cried.
“No, sir,” I ans t up, do; you are quencch you a candle.”
“In tendom, is t Jane Eyre?” cted to drown me?”
“I c up. Somebody ted somet too soon find out is.”
“t at your peril you fetc: tes till I get into some dry garments, if any dry there be—yes, here is my dressing-gown. Now run!”
I did run; I brougill remained in took it from my up, and surveyed ts drenc round ser.
“ is it? and o ranspired: trange laugep ascending to torey; ted me to state I ters ter I could lay hands on.
ened very gravely; on, expressed more concern tonis; imm