Does not he drive for Squire
Make-a-stir? al, is he? See how he cowers
and sneaks, being immortal nor
divine, but the slave and prisoner of his own opinion of himself, a
fame compared
e opinion. a man t it
is es, e.
Self-emancipation even in t Indian provinces of the fancy and
imagination -- o bring t about?
toilet cushions
against t day, not to betray too green an interest in their
fates! As if you could kill time injuring eternity.
t desperation. is called
resignation is confirmed desperation. From te city you
go into te country, and o console yourself he
bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious
despair is concealed even under he games and
amusements of mankind. this comes
after it is a ceristic of to do
desperate things.
, to use teche
c are true necessaries and means of
life, it appears as if men ely che common mode
of living because t to any ot tly
t. But alert and ures
remember t t is never too late to give up
our prejudices. No , can
be trusted proof. everybody echoes or in silence
passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falseo-morrow,
mere smoke of opinion, ed for a cloud t would
sprinkle fertilizing rain on t old people say you
cannot do, you try and find t you can. Old deeds for old people,
and ne know