are, Bacon, Cromwell,
Milton, Ne of ian heroes,
o a
place far above all t, as test of t. they
he falsehood
and cant of t Englands best men and women;
only, per ps.
I subtract anyt is due to
p merely demand justice for all wheir lives
and o mankind. I do not value chiefly a mans
uprig were, em and
leaves. ts of wea
for t a employed by
quacks. I t of a man; t some fragrance
be ed over from o me, and some ripeness flavor our
intercourse. not be a partial and transitory act,
but a constant superfluity, ws hing and of which he
is unconscious. ty t itude of sins.
t too often surrounds mankind he remembrance
of off griefs as an atmosp sympathy.
e s our courage, and not our despair, our h and
ease, and not our disease, and take care t t spread
by contagion. From he voice of
itudes reside to whom we would
send lig intemperate and brutal man whom we would
redeem? If anyt perform his
functions, if is the
seat of sympats about reforming -- the world.
Being a microcosm is a true
discovery, and o make it -- t the world has been
eating green apples; to , tself is a
great green apple, the
c is ripe; and straightway his
drastic p tagonian, and
embraces thus, by a
fey, the meanwhile
using , he cures himself of his