arcectural beauty I now see, I know has gradually grown from
of ties and cer of the
indweller, w of some unconscious
trut ever a t for the
appearance and ional beauty of tined
to be produced y of
life. t interesting dry, as the
painter kno unpretending, s and
cottages of t is tants
y in their surfaces
merely, eresting will
be tizens suburban box, when his life shall be as simple and
as agreeable to tion, and ttle straining
after effect in tyle of proportion of
arcectural ornaments are literally ember gale
rip t injury to the
substantials. t arcecture who have no olives
nor if an equal ado the
ornaments of style in literature, and tects of our bibles
spent as mucime about tects of our
ctres and ts and
t concerns a man, forsooth, how a few
sticks are slanted over colors are daubed
upon sense,
ed t; but t ed out of
tenant, it is of a piece ructing he
arcecture of t;carpenterquot; is but another name for
quot;coffin-maker.quot; One man says, in o
life, take up a your feet, and paint your
color. Is and narrow house?
toss up a copper for it as well. an abundance of leisure be
must ake up a ? Better paint your
it turn pale or blush for you. An
enterprise to improve tyle of cottage arcecture! hen you
my ornaments ready, I hem.